Testing Services for Industry and Professional Organizations

Vancouver Island University Assessment and Exam Services offers a professional, welcoming testing environment

We subscribe to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Standards and Guidelines and are the first testing centre in Canada to receive NCTA certification for our standards of excellence.

We invigilate a large number of paper and online exams for industry regulatory bodies, government and other external organizations.

We provide a technologically up-to-date, attractive environment for our test takers and pride ourselves on excellent customer service.

Contact us for more information

Nanaimo Assessment and Exam Services

Vancouver Island University
Building 255, room 115
900 - 5th Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5S5 

Phone: 250.740.6276
Email: Assessments@viu.ca

Cowichan Campus Assessment Centre

VIU Student Affairs office (Main floor)
2011 University Way, Duncan, BC, V9L 0C7

Phone: 250.746.3509
Fax: 250.746.3529

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VIU Student Affairs Office
100 - 7085 Nootka Street, Powell River,
BC, V8A 3C6

Phone: 604.485.2878
Fax: 604.485.2868
Email: ExamsPR@viu.ca