The Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG) is funding from the provincial government that you do not pay back. It is for students enrolled in Adult Basic Education (ABE), Workplace Essential Skills Training (WEST) or English as a Second Language (ESL).
Apply for AUG before you pay any fees or purchase textbooks. Refunds cannot be issued. It is recommended you apply before your start date.
The 2024-2025 Adult Upgrading Grant Application is available for courses starting April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. Instructions for applying can be found below under How do I apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant?
Deadline: AUG applications for the current funding year will not be accepted after Friday, March 14, 2025.
If your course starts April 1, 2025 or later, you will be required to use the 2025-2026 AUG application and provide a copy of your 2024 CRA Notice of Assessment. The 2025-2026 AUG application is not available yet but should be released in early April 2025.
Who can apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant?
Applicants must meet the following (as listed on the AUG application)
- Be enrolled in ABE, WEST, or ESL.
- Show financial need by providing a copy of your previous year notice of assessment.
What if I'm not yet enrolled?
- Contact Academic and Career Preparation Programs to get help to become a student
- Apply for admission to Vancouver Island University and receive a student number
- Ensure you have valid Photo ID in your student record. AUG applications will not be processed if photo ID is missing.
- Once you have received your Permission to Register (PTR) enroll in your course(s).
Now you are ready to apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG).
Yes. Talk to your worker to make sure going to school is okay. It is your responsibility to make sure AUG funding does not change your income assistance eligibility.
Income Level 2024-25
Students who have income below the following amounts for their family size can apply for this grant. It is also listed on the AUG application. Use line 15000 of your 2023 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment (NOA) to determine your income. You will need to provide this document as your proof of income. If you don't have any tax forms or if you are not sure if you qualify, check with Financial Aid and Awards staff for more information.
Financial need is based on the following income eligibility thresholds:
Family Size | Income Level |
1 | $33,180 |
2 | $47,275 |
3 | $57,469 |
4 | $66,360 |
5 | $74,192 |
6 | $81,274 |
7 or more | $87,785 |
Note: If you did not file a tax return for 2023, use your gross income. Include all wages/earnings, income assistance, Employment Insurance benefits, Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities income (EPPD), and any other sources of taxable income.
Textbooks, student activity fees, student services fees, students’ union fees and tuition fees for WEST. Students may also qualify for help with unsubsidized childcare costs, transportation costs and technology costs where applicable.
Not covered: Living costs (rent, food, etc.), late fees or school supplies.
No. It is a grant, which means you do not have to pay it back.
It depends. If you have proof of income to qualify, sometimes AUG can help with other costs not paid by your sponsor. It is your responsibility to make sure AUG funding does not affect other funding you may be receiving, such as Employment Insurance, band funding, or any other sponsor funding eligibility.
How do I apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant?
If you filed a tax return for 2023, include a 2023 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment (NOA) for you and your spouse or parents, if applicable. If you cannot provide a 2023 CRA NOA, you will need to provide an explanation of why you cannot provide it with your application. You will still be required to provide proof of your 2023 gross income. Acceptable documents include but are not limited to the following:
• T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid
• T1 General (LINE 15000)
• T5007 Statement of Benefits
• ROE Record of Employment
• T5 Statement of Investment Income
• Letter from employer(s) verifying income amount
If you are unsure, check with the Financial Aid and Awards staff to find out what is accepted.
- Using Firefox as your internet browser, click to open the Adult Upgrading Grant Application. If you have technical issues opening the form, please email
- Complete the application by typing in the spaces provided. Electronic signatures accepted.
- Save a copy of your completed application to your device for your records.
- Email your completed application package, including your 2023 CRA Notice of Assessment or other proof of income, to before the start of classes.
Additional Information
- You must apply for the grant each semester.
- Deadline to apply is by your fee due date but it is recommended that you apply early to get your textbooks before your classes start. If you apply late, you are responsible to pay any assessed late fees.
- If you believe you are eligible and intend to apply for AUG, do not pay your fees or purchase your textbooks. Refunds cannot be issued
- You must notify Financial Aid and Awards if you add or drop any ABE courses. Funding for courses added after AUG approval is not automatic.
- For more information, see Financial Aid and Awards or Academic and Career Preparation.
Yes. Contact the Financial Aid and Awards office closest to you.
What happens after I apply?
We check that everything is complete. You will be emailed within a week if you have been approved, denied or if you missed anything. The email will include next steps.
- Check your email for information about your approved AUG funding, such as how to get your textbooks. Note: you will need to buy your own supplies, such as paper, pens, etc.
- Do not pay for any fees or purchase textbooks. Refunds will not be issued.
- If you add a course, it is not automatically funded by AUG. You must contact the Financial Aid and Awards office to add it to your funding application.
- Check your email for the notice if you do not qualify for AUG.
- You must pay any fees owing by the due date in your student record and buy your own textbooks.
- If you choose not to attend classes, you must officially withdraw from your courses before the tuition and fee deadline to avoid charges. Contact Registration for help.